We spent time reviewing the world map - where the oceans are, where Rome is in relation to other parts of the world and what bodies of water were nearby. Don't you LOVE the place mat world maps Sissy is using?? This is our first year with them. Usually we do History and Bible in the living room. The problem we found last year is that I was trying to show them a map in an atlas and sometimes they did not want to come near the book to look at it. So, this year I realized that My Father's World sells individual, laminated, world maps that are affordable. I think they were $3.50 a piece. This was a great thing for each of the girls to have with them.

We began discussing the Roman Empire and how it began growing. We added our Book Basket time into today. The older girls spend 15 minutes reading through various books in the basket related to what we are studying. Here is Peanut reading See Inside Ancient Rome by Usborne. Usborne has this entire series of books that are lift the flap books full of information on top of and under each flap. They are just fun books that the kids love. Last year we used the Ancient Egypt book.
It was another great day with Saxon! I LOVE this picture. Here Sweet Baby is displaying her birthday graph. We made the graph today and placed friends and family members on it depending on which month their birthdays fell in. Brooke had fun adding people like Audra, her pen pal from AHG. She loved seeing what a graph is and how it helps keep track of information.
The day was virtually done at lunch time. Imagine my sheer delight when Sissy said, "Do you want me to go up and make lunch? I can bring it down." Here she came with a tray and all with lunch for her and her sisters. So sweet and so helpful!
What We Learned
How the Roman Empire began and began growing, differences between noblemen, plebeians, patricians, where Rome is on the map.
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