Thursday, January 6, 2011

Creating the Tabernacle

For history we are wandering in the desert. Well, we aren't but Moses is. We have finally watched him lead the Israelites out of Egypt and we are now learning about their time in the desert. This week we were supposed to spend the entire week making different pieces of the Tabernacle and building it from milk cartons. Rather than do it this way, a friend had a file that she gathered offline where we just needed to print the pieces, cut them out and assemble them. It took us about an hour to do it and it was alot of fun.

As we progress through our week we will be learning the specifics about the different items in the tabernacle. This will be a great model to have to look at while we do it.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I searched and searched for something like that when I did the Tabernacle for Wed. night. I ended up taking in a lot of "junk" and having the kids create their own but I wanted a nice neat model. I'm glad you found one.