Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The Treasures of Weatherby

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
More Reading Fun
I continue to be amazed at Sweet Baby's progress with reading. I LOVE taking photos of her reading. I suppose I should get the video camera out as well, but for now, I love the pictures. Our curriculum this year has us spending the entire year reading the book of Matthew. Today we discussed Jesus walking on water and how even at this point, after all they had seen, Jesus' disciples still seemed covered in disbelief. After I had finished reading and finished our discussion, Sweet Baby ran out of the room and hollered, "I'll be right back. I'm getting my Bible." She came out with her Toddler Bible that has easy sentences to read and proceeded to look through her Bible for the story. She did not find the correct story, but she did find a story about water! She started reading it to us. Of course she stumbled over many words, but was able to figure most of them out - even the word "people". What a joy it is to watch her accomplish so much!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Girl Scout Cookie...Bar Graph??
Sissy has been in Girl Scouts since 1st grade and she really seems to enjoy it. She especially likes seeing her friends from her elementary school a couple times a month. Every year she sells cookies like crazy. As we began bringing the cookies in, I started stacking the cases with likes cases and when I stood back, I thought... bar graph! (It is amazing how as a homeschool parent you begin looking at EVERYTHING and thinking "school"!) Of course when I pointed the "bar graph" out to Sissy, she said, "Oh geesh mom!" As much as she enjoys selling cookies, this will be her last year. I (and several other moms in the community) am currently in the beginning stages of starting an American Heritage Girls troop at our church. American Heritage Girls is a Christ centered scouting group that has many similarities to Girl Scouts except that this program actually holds Christ up as the center of the group and holds the girls and volunteers up to christian standards. This is a group that I have LONG wished we had in our community. The nearest troop is more than an hour away - just not practical - so...I guess we'll be starting one for our family and many girls in our area.
The younger girls have asked to be in Girl Scouts many times over the last couple years but we were just really uncomfortable with not knowing the leaders personally and several of the national beliefs of Girl Scouts have my husband and I concerned. Due to our concerns the younger girls have missed out on the scouting experience up until now. We'll have our first American Heritage Girls meetings this fall and all of my girls are looking forward to a christian scouting experience!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Finished France With Madeline
Lapbooks are WONDERFUL if you want your children to have hands on craft type fun (cutting, gluing, coloring) without having to drag out a ton of supplies. In addition, instead of having another "craft" laying around that doesn't get any use, your child has a sweet example of all they have learned that they can (and sometimes do) look back on and refresh their memory.
This particular lapbook was geared for grades K-2. It was perfect for the younger two but much to young for Sissy. She didn't seem to mind not working on one when I told her that she will be doing a Zebra lapbook during our study of Africa. When Sweet Baby finished her lapbook, she ran right over to Sissy and said, "Look what I did! Can I show you?"
Here is Peanut proudly showing off her cover....
And here is a peak inside. The girls learned about the appendix (Madeline has hers taken out in the story), the Eiffel Tower, there is a story sequencing activity, rhyming page, a map of France and more. They really had fun completing these.
Now...onto Africa!