Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's Coming....

The first day of school will be here in just one week! I'm so nervous! My girls are still very excited to be home schooled (the 9 year old specifically). I sat down last week and requested ooodles and oooodles of books to use with our studies, specifically related to history. I've now got a book shelf in the dining room for all of our goodies (though I can tell we are going to outgrow it rather quickly). I've also been searching for some things that our 4 year old can do to be busy like lacing cards, alphabet cards, etc. We are spending these last few days having some kids over today, Wednesday and Thursday to play. I'll be back later on to share about the anxiety I have been having and how Satan has been all over me to throw in the towel before we ever even start!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hi Crystal!
Remember me? (I'm the mom that you bought Spelling Power from.) How exciting that your first year is almost upon you! Take a deep breath and relax, you're all going to love homeschooling! The first year is always one of adjustment and ups and downs, but you'll all find your groove. I pray that homeschooling blesses you and your family as much as God has used it to bless and grow me!
Amy S.