Surprisingly, when we arrived at the course she was excited to jump on and give it a try. She even discovered that she really liked it!
She enjoyed climbing to the top of the net and was the first one to give it a try.
When we made our way through a grove of trees and I saw all of these tires hanging, I thought that this was going to be the course that she would sit out on. More surprises though, because she climbed up the platform and made it all the way across!
Each night we attended chapel (which was held in the woods and was beautiful) where we did fun camp songs and then the kids listened to a lesson about different biblical characters who were once lost but they eventually found the Lord, we headed out to some sort of game with the entire camp. It was fun to be able to see Sissy at meal times, campfire, swimming and game time. Here she is getting ready for the musical beach towel game.
I loved that all of the games were "team" games. Here Peanut is working with her team to get across the "lava" (grass) using only a handful of Frisbees. No one could step on anything but the Frisbees. If their foot came off the Frisbee and touched the grass, they all had to go back and start their quest to reach the pineapples in the middle of the circle all over again.
I'll end with archery for today. This is the one activity that Peanut says she did not like. It was difficult for her to pull the string back and make the arrow actually go anywhere without help from the adult or teen that was helping the kids.