Golly, I haven't updated my posts in forever! Based on my previous posts it appears like we did very little school the last several months. We finished up school at the end of May, it has been so nice to have a break.
Although I don't have school photos to share, we have had lots going on and I wanted to share.
We celebrated some birthdays around here. Sweet Baby isn't such a baby anymore. She turned 7 and celebrated with a Tangled birthday party. Yes, that cake is my pitiful attempt at making a castle with cupcakes and a sugar cone on top.
Peanut turned 9 and had her first sleepover party with a couple friends. She had an owl themed party.
In my last post I shared that we had to put our dog of 14 years down the Monday after Easter. It was awfully quiet around here, so we added a new member to our family. Daisy joined us at the end of May. Isn't she cute? She is a beagle/lab mix. I had forgotten what it was like to have a puppy around the house. LOTS of energy...lets just leave it at that.
Our dear friends who moved to Oklahoma 3 years ago came out for an extended stay. They were here for 2 months. What a blessing to be able to make memories with them. They are as close to us as family and we enjoyed every opportunity we were able to see them while they were in Michigan. Their daughter is close to all of the girls and I love having photos like these...
And because they are kids, we had to have a photo like this....
Our niece graduated from high school so we were able to spend some time with family at her open house. Here is a photo of Sissy and grandma (my husband's mom).

We spent at day up at grandma's house. Grandma lives literally across the street from Lake Huron. So, we loaded up the kids, the dog and even my husband's youngest brother and headed for the lake.
We discovered that Daisy really likes the water - once we got her in there. When she came out, she kind of resembled a wet rat.