They look older and smarter to me, its funny how glasses can make someone look so scholarly. As for the growing up, it is hard to see your kids change and grow. As exciting as it can be, it is also a sad thing to realize that someday, they will not be our babies anymore.

For those of you looking for a way to get your readers started on classic books, I wanted to share a series with you that Peanut and I have discovered. Our library carries many titles in this series like 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Little Women, and Pollyanna. I know that I have also seen these books at Barnes and Noble. What I like about this series is that it gets her focused on the storyline in the book rather than worried about muddling through some vocabulary or verbage she might not be able to understand.
Keep in mind that Peanut is in the third grade and she can easily read 5th grade level books - except for some vocabulary that she would need help with. These books have held her interest and she speeds through them in a week or so. I would not place them at 5th grade level though. I would say they are maybe 4th grade level books. She started with Little Women, moved on to A Little Princess, Secret Garden and is now reading Anne of Green Gables. She is loving Anne so much that I'm excited to start reading the series with her!